Animated Product Promotions
Our client’s story
Adobe Systems runs promotions throughout the year to offer upgrades and announce new features to its users. Adobe uses the welcome screen that shows up when someone launches an application, as well as emails to targeted lists, to promote bundles and upgrades to its existing customers. Scott Design designed and produced short animations to help quickly educate users about features available with newer versions of products, and created a series of email campaigns to support product promotions to the family-oriented target audience of Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements users.
Since the introductory screens on the applications appear only for a few seconds, the animations must be clever, fast, and to the point. Scott Design created animated screens that quickly present new features and showcase current promotional offers.
Scott Design produced the animations in both HTML and Flash, and at a variety of sizes, to work in older and newer versions of the products.
Click the images below to view the HTML versions.