
We share the latest trends in web design, email marketing, responsive design, mobile optimization, SEO, and more to help marketing professionals incorporate best practices and industry standards in their digital marketing strategies.

Sustainable graphic design

As designers, we have the power to help those around us find better ways to do things. We are, by nature, creative problem-solvers. We must apply our brain power to finding ways to change perceptions, get things done in ways that do less harm to the environment, and find new ways of doing the things we already do.

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Compostmodern, a product of the AIGA Center for Sustainable Design (CFSD), was a great opportunity to explore the range of design thinking necessary to create a socially and ecologically responsible society. During the one-day conference, we were inspired to think about sustainability, bring about change and activism, fire our passion, and learn how to do something about it.

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Marketing Treasure Map

You know that you have some real treasures to offer your customers: your superb services, your excellent products, your unequaled solutions. But how do you make sure that someone looking for your treasure actually finds it? You must make sure the route is clearly marked and that those wandering the oceans of information on the Internet actually land on your website and find their way to your treasures.

Apostrophe abuse: the most basic rules are often the most neglected

With our hectic schedules, it’s easy to pour all of our energy into content, and to skip little niceties that distinguish our message from the dozens of others that bombard our readers on a daily basis. Type crimes aren’t only in your document, but all over the place, on signage, advertisements, and in restaurant menus.

Getting your emails opened

Email Secrets of the Stars, Part 2 of a three-part series. Emails that make it into your readers’ in boxes need to then survive the ruthless pruning that goes on once the email arrives. How do you get a reader to open the email instead of clicking on the “this is spam” button or tossing it into the trash? Here are just a few ideas: