
We share the latest trends in web design, email marketing, responsive design, mobile optimization, SEO, and more to help marketing professionals incorporate best practices and industry standards in their digital marketing strategies.

Why ignoring mobile is crazy

If your mobile strategy is to just hope people stop using phones to look at the web and emails, you’re crazy! If you make your site and emails mobile-friendly using responsive design, you’ll reach more customers than ever.

Why tables for layout is stupid: Updating a fan favorite

“Why tables for layout is stupid” has been one on our most popular articles since it was published in 2004, with hundreds of thousands of visits and 24 international translations. Since more people access the web on their phones than from their desks and Google rewards mobile-ready sites, we decided it was time to update “Stupid Tables” to make it responsive.

Worldwide email client market share

It’s good practice to keep up with the latest information on how people are interacting with your digital marketing. Check out the most popular webmail, desktop, and mobile email clients, compiled from data collected from 1.16 billion email opens worldwide.

Increase email open rates with better subject lines

It doesn’t matter how well written or well designed your email is — or what a wonderful offer you are presenting to a perfectly segmented list. If the subject line doesn’t compel the recipient to open the email, then there’s no interaction with your content. Read eight ways to make sure your email subject line speaks enough to your audience members for them to want to read further.

15 for ’15

Clients often ask us where we think they should focus their marketing efforts to make sure they are hitting all the right targets. As the year comes to a close, here are 15 things we think you should consider for next year. They represent our top five recommendations each for 2015 for digital marketing, marketing communications, and branding strategy.

Tailor your B2B content to the sales cycle

An annual report on content use by B2B technology buyers shares insights and best practices for content development for the different parts of the technology product sales cycle. Marketers must develop the correct content to engage, connect, and build trust with customers at the right time in the sales cycle.