Read all about it
Obviously, we can't cover everything you need to know about designing with CSS in an hour, but these books can help you come to grips with using Web standards to make your pages leaner, cleaner, and faster.
- Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design; Eric Meyer; New Riders; 2002
- Designing with Web Standards; Jeffrey Zeldman; New Riders; 2003
- Cascading Style Sheets: Separating Content from Presentation; Owen Briggs, Steven Champeon, Eric Costello, and Matt Patterson; glasshaus; 2002
- SAMS Teach Yourself CSS in 24 Hours; Kynn Bartlett; SAMS; 2002
- Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web; Hakon Wium Lee and Bert Bos; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1999
- Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide; Eric Meyer; O'Reilly & Associates; 2000