A responsive, multi-language website that can be updated with ease helps eQuest communicate with their worldwide audience.
Tag: web development
Web development, web programming, responsive websites, micro sites, web applications, interactive design, flash, online applications, landing pages, PHP, Wordpress sites. CMS, SEO, and database websites
Corporate research portal wins interactive awards
Awards for business-to-business, corporate intranet website
Interactive awards for B2B microsite
Awards for corporate B2B microsite
SwiftTest website wins interactive awards
Several awards for B2B and software website
eBay Global Shipping Program
For the beta release of the eBay Global Shipping Program, eBay sought a campaign tailored to its high-profile international sellers.
5-point checklist to supercharge your company’s website
Now is a great time to take a look under the hood of your company’s website to make sure it’s a high-performance marketing machine. Depending on how long it’s been since you launched your organization’s site, you might need minor service, a few new parts, or a major service to really improve performance.
The right way to use web analytics
While you can’t get exact numbers from any one analytics program, the data from one program, such as Google Analytics, can be used to do valuable comparisons that can help you gain insights about your visitors, spot patterns and trends, and figure out what is working on your site and what isn’t.
Are Google Analytics accurate?
There are many different sources for web analytics. You can set up free Google Analytics on your site, you might get analytics from your website or blog host, and you might have paid for an advanced analytics tool. But what happens when they all return different numbers in their reports? Which one is right?
San Jose Semaphore website for Adobe
Scott Design designed and developed a hybrid solution — PHP, Flash, and HTML5 — for this site that displays and protects a code.
Accuracy vs. precision in web analytics
When looking at web analytics reports, it’s easy to get sucked in by the numbers and start treating the metrics as precise counts. There is a difference between “accurate” and “precise,” and this difference is particularly useful when working with analytics data.
B2B Mobile Use (Infographic)
Devising a mobile strategy should be a priority for your B2B business. Clarifying what your audience wants to see and do on a small screen and figuring out how to turn that attention into revenue is critical.
eBay holiday microsite
Scott Design created a microsite that informs eBay sellers about what’s hot this holiday season and provides valuable advice.